World Economic Forum- The Great Reset Future Guidelines

World Economic Forum
Davos, Switzerland 2.22.2022

Sirs and Madams,

I am one of the richest men on Earth ... spiritually speaking. I want you to succeed with the Great Reset in helping to transition our civilization onto a sustainable developmental path. But, in order to successfully reach the UN Agenda 2030 goals and walk the path of establishing an Advanced World Civilization for Mankind, you have to work to build people,s faith and trust, not to discredit the noble objective of "Saving the Planet" with tyrannical police state lockdowns, declarations of martial law, state censorship and unethical, unworkable mandates. Most people instinctually know the difference between right and wrong. If you engage people honestly, openly and truthfully, you will earn their respect, trust and support and ultimately succeed with the Great Reset.

I,m with you 100% on the global climate change threat, building a global green world order, creating a just, privacy protected, all-inclusive, non-discriminatorial global cashless money system, implementing a universal basic income and ethically drawing down world population numbers. I applaud your decision to decisively act in 2020, but to engage in a global depopulation vaccine "kill shot" agenda is unethical, regressive and self-defeating, in my opinion. I urge you to decisively abandon the global hydrocarbon ecomony and make a swift transition into a free energy economy. Free energy is the criitical key factor that will ensure the success of the Great Reset by 2030. May the electric 2020,s decade be merely a transitional stepping stone in this direction.

Politically, i highly urge you to create a democratic-socialist model of world governance. This would be a yin-yang confluence of western democracy and chinese state socialism where basic civil liberties (such as the USA 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments) and socialist state wealth/welfare/work distribution policies are incorporated into a future Earth Federation Constitution and planetary Bill of Rights. The establishment of a world security council made up of representatives from 12 of the most influential regions of the world would go a long way into ensuring the success of the new mandate of planet management and in overcoming and solving the world,s global environmental problems. Finially, dismantle the global war machine (war is obselete), learn to uphold people,s privacy by removing the all the cameras and ending the unnecessary and antiquated surveillance state. Use technology to help liberate, not enslave the human species.

Turn planet earth into a paradise, not a police state prison.


Steve Jones
Global Enironmentalist
aka- Jonas the Prophet
Arizona, USA

=>Global Green World Order: bit. ly/ globalgreendeal
=>The Messenger of the Covenant: jonah. 50megs. com

CC: biden, council on foreign relations, economist magazine (rothschild), club of rome, foreign affairs journal, world future society, gates foundation, bilderberg, trilateral, king charles UK, united nations, rockefeller foundation

=>the resonant harmonic:
