The radical restructuring of human civilization is the central core imperative of our time.
Old systems are collapsing and new systems are struggling to be born. A new world order is in
formation and must firmly establish itself on Earth and in the minds of men (and women) if
humanity has any chance of surviving the 21st century.
The Great Transition that is upon us is founded upon the fact that current ways of doing things are
inefficient, unsustainable, wasteful, idiotic, insane, unnatural and unnecessary. The radically
restructured horizon unto which we collectively strive for is one imbued with sustainability, intelligent
design and management, sharing, caring, compassion and concern for the welfare, safety and security
of future generations.
On the ground, this means a swift and comprehensive shift away from the antiquated hydrocarbon economy
and a rapid transition into a free energy based global society founded primarily upon zero point and
antigravitic electrical and propulsion technologies, respectfully.
In the area of water accessibility, this means that the production and use of decentralized atmospheric air
water condensors be firmly established in every community. Regarding access to food, this means that localized production and consumption of organic plant based food be established as policy within every town, city and municipality on Earth. With solar greenhouses for food production and atmospheric water
condensors for water in every human habitation, human survival requirements can easily be met for populations all over the world. Think farmers markets and the planting of fruit and nut trees for future harvest. There will be no food or water shortages anywhere on Earth. In fact, there will be an abundance of these critical resources available for free to any and all who require it. This is the hallmark of any advanced planetary civilization.
In the area of demographics and world population, this means establishing a 1 child per family policy worldwide in every nation on Earth. Overpopulation numbers must be radically reduced humanely and as
quickly as possible, as overpopulation is the root cause of most of the environmental threats to human civilization and survival today. 2-3 billion people living green, sustainable lifestyles is the optimal number we should strive for as a species. We are currently in classic population overshoot with 8 billion people on Earth as of 2022. These current numbers cannot and will not be sustained.
The radical restructuring of human civilization will also require the complete dismantling and creative destruction of the international global war machine and the grossly overmilitarized and overfunded surveillance state that accompanies it. Since war is obselete (actually it has been since 1945 with the advent of the nuclear age) there is no longer any need for an annual 2 trillion dollar global war economy. The new threats to nations and planetary civiilization today are now primarily environmental: global climate change, species extinctions, massive air, water and soil depletion and pollution, deforestation, desertification, overpopulation as well as rapidly incoming food, water and mineral shortages brought about by desperate human sprawl in the attempt to acquire basic resources needed for human survival. Presently, there are life
disrupting ecosystem collapses occuring all over the planet. Yet, this crisis also presents human civilization
the opportunity to create a radically restructured global green world order for mankind.
Let it be stated upfront that human civilization may not survive in the years and decades to come if we continue to weaponinze our future with AI, robotics, nanotechnology, 5G, mark of the beast QR
code technology, the internet of things, space based lasers, hypersonic and electromagnetic weapons and the metaverse (amongst other retrograde devolutionary trajectories).
It is highly probable that we will continue to metastisize into an overdeveloped, highly intrusive spy and surveillance police state as well as continue our slide towards a genetic armageddon of our food, medicinal
and life sustaining ecosystems resulting in an enslaved, genetically compromised, psychologically damaged
and spiritually deprived and deranged state of existence for decades to come. For this, unfortunately, is our current fallen trajectory overall as a species.
Yet, even from this devolutionary descent can a radically restructured civilization still emerge founded upon such core principles as sanity, survival and sustainabilty. Water can literally be turned to wine, so to speak. With enough faith and perserverence to survive, prosper, grow and excell in all areas of human endeavor, an advanced planetary civilization can still emerge if enough intelligence, will and vision can be collectively mustered and maintained despite the incredible odds, trajectories and tribulalations to the contrary.