The so-called "covid-19" vaccination is, in reality, a program designed to kill off a large portion
of the human population on Earth. The messenger RNA vaccine put out by Big Pharma is not so much
a vaccine as it is a technology. An experimental gene therapy injection, it literally re-writes a recipients DNA to create an immune system over-reaction in the body killing the host when exposed to a future corona
(common cold or flu) virus. This is biological warfare on the human species designed specifically to willfully
exterminate a large portion of the world,s population.
Planet Earth is now teeming with nearly 8 billion human souls as of 2021. Projections are that this figure will
reach between 10-12 billion by 2050. Already, as of December 2021, more than 4 billion people worldwide have been vaccinated- killed- by the global corporate elite (the Rockefeller-Rothschild international banking cartel headquartered in the City of London, UK) in their efforts to drastically "cull" the world,s population. In this global biological warfare operation they will probably succeed in getting up to half the world,s population killed with their deadly vaccinations by 2025. It is quite obvious now that this small cadre of psychopathic international billionaire/trillionaire bankers and financiers have blatantly violated the Nuremberg code. They need to be immediately arrested, tried before the International Criminal Court at the Hague, prosecuted, and if found guilty, publically taken out and hung by the neck till dead for crimes of genocide committed against the people,s and nation,s of the world.
From their perverted perspective, biological warfare is seen as an justifiable alternative to thermonuclear warfare in their demonic depopulation/extermination agenda since it preserves and protects the global environmental landscape from the very destructive short and long term effects of thermonuclear fire, blast effects and radiation upon the biosphere. For those as yet unaware, we are now fully engaged in World War 3 being waged by the global elite against the masses of people on the planet.
Deagel (dot) com, a website created by the former director of international relations for the Rockefeller Foundation, predicted that the current US population of 350 million would be brought down to 100 million by 2025. That,s called genocide, and the American people are being led like sheep to the slaughter in their blind obedience into being vaccinated by the state. If your,e an American who has taken the vaccine, your,e already dead.
Globally, Bill Gates will go down as one of the greatest mass murderers in human history. As the front man for the international jewish rothschild banking cartel (the synagogue of satan) , Mr Gates and other global billionaire/trillionaire psychopaths represented by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, will most likely succeed with their "global reset" in dramatically reducing the world,s population through their vaccination extermination/depopulation campaign agenda. This is a pro-death way to Save the Planet- it will ultimately fail in the end because the internal quest for personal freedom and the evolutionary force of life are inalienable and intrinsic properties of human existence.
Thus said, there is a pro-life way to Save the Planet. See Saving the Planet at: It can succeed if universally adopted as an alternative to the dominant demonic paradigm of eliminating 90% of the world,s population by 2030. See: The REAL Agenda 2030 at:
S Jones
Global Environmentalist
Phoenix, Arizona